Next stop, Nepal

So here I am, sitting underneath a great big Vishnu tree, surrounded by mountains, in rural Nuwakot, Nepal.

It has been a while since I posted on this blog and I apologise for the radio silence. Since chatting last, I have spent a glorious time in sunny South Africa, having fun with my family and friends and generally just taking some time out from the whirlwind of experiences I had since May last year.

So, Nepal; how did that happen? Good question, and as I write this I am still having to pinch myself to comprehend it!
My friend Julia and I were chatting last year about possible opportunities where I might be able to volunteer. She then told me about All Hands Disaster Relief, and I was immediately intrigued. This organisation does incredible work to address the immediate and long-term needs of societies hit by natural disasters. I had a look at their active projects, and the earthquake response project in Nepal just jumped out at me. Before I could think about it too much, I applied, got a spot on project, and boom, here I am volunteering with All Hands (look them up, they are pretty cool!). It all just happened so easily, that I am convinced it is right where I need to be right now. The earthquakes that hit Nepal in April and May last year caused destruction and loss of life that is difficult to comprehend. Since being here and seeing how remote some of the places are, it is just more apparent how the Nepalese people affected by the earthquakes are mostly not in a position to rebuild and recover by themselves.

Safe to say that it has been a sensory and emotional overload since arriving in Kathmandu on Tuesday, and I am just taking some time processing it all. I will share this colourful experience with you all in my next blog post, hopefully tomorrow!image image image image image

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